- Real-time Airflow Analysis and its Visualization in AR (LG Electronics, 2024.05.01-2026.04.30)
- XR Solutions for Digital Twin-based Inspection Tasks (RAPA METAVERSE Lab, 2024.05.01-2026.12.31)
- Digital Twin + AR Visualization (KEA, 2021.03.01-2025.02.28)
- Digital Twin-based Medical Superintelligence (IITP ICT Creative Consilience Program, 2020.07.01-2029.12.31)
- Researching Core Technologies and Fostering Talents for Simulated Reality Content (IITP ITRC, 2020.07.01-2027.12.31)
- Two-way Interaction between Real Environments and Virtual Objects (IITP SW Star Lab, 2020.04.01-2027.12.31)
- Metaverse-based Real-time Airflow Analysis and Visualization (LG Electronics, 2023.05.01-2024.04.30)
- Digital Twin-based Camera Tracking and AI/AR techniques for Pipe Reconstruction (Iaan Co., 2023.01.01-2023.10.31)
- Real-time Human Motion Capture from RGB Images and Retargeting to Virtual Characters (Haegin Co., 2022.05.01-2023.04.30)
- Visible Airflow in AR (LG Electronics, 2022.05.01-2023.04.30)
- Digital Twin-based Air Conditioner Installation and Airflow Simulation in AR (LG Electronics, 2021.05.01-2022.04.30)
- Next-gen Physics Simulation = Particle-based Universal Simulation + Deep Learning (Samsung Science & Technology Foundation, 2019.12.01-2022.11.30)
- AR-based Layout Inspection for Smart Factory (Iaan Co., 2018.05.01-2019.01.31)
- GLSL Framework for LF (KETI, 2017.09.08-2017.11.30)
- Telepresent Interaction (NRF, 2017.09.01-2020.12.31)
- Interaction with Virtual Objects (Samsung Electronics, 2017.04.12-2019.07.11)
- HMD-based Flying Simulation (NRF, 2016.06.01-2020.05.31)
- Content Development with Tizen OpenGL ES 3.0 (Samsung Electronics, 2015.08.01-2016.08.15)
- Solutions for Science Experiments in e-Book (IITP, 2015.07.01-2017.08.31)
- Character Behavior Control Engine (KETI, 2015.04.14-2016.10.31)
- 3D Model Extraction from Live RGB-D Video (ETRI, 2014.08.16-2014.12.31)
- Integrated Visual-Motion Platform for Walk-through on Moon and Mars (KOCCA, 2014.08.01-2016.03.31)
- Traditional Cultural Properties Rebuilding for 3D Printing Services (KOCCA, 2014.06.01-2015.03.31)
- Special Effects for New-generation Smart TV GUI (LG Electronics, 2013.04.01-2013.12.31)
- Realtime Rendering and Physics Simulation for N-screen (NRF, 2012.09.01-2015.08.31)
- Serious Game Development Strategy (Nexon Co., 2012.09.01-2012.12.31)
- Game Engine Development (Nexon Co., 2012.09.01-2015.12.31)
- Serious Games for Science Education in Elementary/Middle Schools (KOCCA, 2012.07.01-2014.03.31)
- Realtime Streaming-based Game Service Technology (ETRI, 2012.03.01-2013.02.28)
- Game Curriculum Development (Nexon Co., 2011.09.01-2016.12.31)
- Forensic Visualization (ETRI, 2010.06.01-2010.12.31)
- Edutainment Content UI based on Vector Graphics (KIST, 2010.01.01-2010.12.31)
- Real-time Game Graphics Optimized for Next-gen GPU and Shader Models (NRF, 2009.09.01-2012.08.31)
- Dynamic 3D Map Construction with ToF Cameras (Samsung Electronics, 2009.04.01-2009.11.30)
- Real-time Fluid Simulation on Tabletop Computers (KIST, 2009.03.01-2009.12.31)
- Interaction between Water and Cloth (NRF, 2008.07.01-2009.06.30)
- Multi-player Game and Edutainment Content on Tabletop Computers (KIST, 2008.05.01-2008.12.31)