Introduction to Computer Graphics with OpenGL ES
English Edition (CRC Press, 2018.06) |
Korean Edition (홍릉과학출판사, 2019.05) * 2019 세종도서 선정 |
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Review and Recommendations
이 책의 영문 제목 “Introduction to Computer Graphics”를 “A Painless Introduction to Computer
Graphics”라는 닉네임으로 바꿔서 부르고 싶다. 수학을 두려워하는 독자의 고통을 최소화하기 위하여
아주 세세한 부분까지 신경을 쓴 저자의 친절함이 돋보인다. 직관적으로 이해되는 기발한 발상의 그림과
설명으로 가득 찬 보물상자를 열어보는 느낌을 갖게 되는 그래픽스 입문서이다.
-- 서울대학교 컴퓨터공학부 교수 김명수
저자가 지난 여름 영문 원서를 출간했을 때, 우리나라 그래픽스 분야 발전을 위해 이를 빨리 번역해야
한다고 재촉했었다. 10개월 후 완성된 이 번역본은 영문판보다 더욱 가다듬어진 내용을 담고 있다.
3차원 그래픽스에 입문하고자 하는 사람들은 물론, 실무에서 습득한 그래픽스 기술을 체계적으로
정리하고자 하는 사람들에게 이보다 더 적합한 교재는 없을 것이라 확신한다.
-- POSTECH 컴퓨터공학과 교수 이승용
“검은사막 모바일” 개발을 시작할 무렵 OpenGL ES를 처음 접했는데, 그 때 이러한 입문서가
없었던 것이 큰 아쉬움으로 남는다. 이 책은 OpenGL ES 뿐 아니라 컴퓨터 그래픽스를 배우고자
하는 분들에게 꼭 필요한 내용을 쉽고 알차게 설명하고 있다. 학생과 개발자에게 길잡이가 될 수 있는
실용적인 책이 출간된 것을 기쁘게 생각한다.
-- 펄어비스 이사회 의장 김대일
Key Features
- Presents key graphics algorithms that are commonly employed by state-of-the-art game engines and 3D user interfaces
- Provides a hands-on look at real-time graphics by illustrating OpenGL ES and shader code on various topics
- Depicts troublesome concepts using elaborate 3D illustrations so that they can be easily absorbed
- Includes problem sets, solutions manual, and lecture notes for those wishing to use this book as a course text
Lecture Notes
- TOC and Preface
- Chapter 1 (introduction)
- Chapter 2 (math basics)
- Chapter 3 (modeling)
- Chapter 4 (spaces and transforms)
- Chapter 5 (vertex processing)
- Chapter 6 (OpenGL ES and shader)
- Chapter 7 (rasterizer)
- Chapter 8 (image texturing)
- Chapter 9 (lighting)
- Chapter 10 (output merger)
- Chapter 11 (Euler transforms and quaternions)
- Chapter 12 (screen-space object manipulation)
- Chapter 13 (character animation)
- Chapter 14 (normal mapping)
- Chapter 15 (shadow mapping)
- Chapter 16 (texturing toward GI)
- Chapter 17 (curves and surfaces)
- Chapter 18 (surface tessellation)
- Errata (2022-06-23)
3D Graphics for Game Programming
English Edition (CRC Press, 2011.02) |
Korean Edition (홍릉과학출판사, 2011.07) * 대한민국학술원 우수학술도서 선정 |
Chinese Edition (清华大学出版社, 2013.01) |
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Review and Recommendations
This book provides an overview of the skills needed to create 3D
graphics for game programming (although many of the skills would
translate to a broader 3D graphics context). ... The book covers
pretty much every important facet of the topic ... This could
certainly be used as a text for advanced undergraduates interested in
game programming. ... Professionals interested in learning game
programming might also find the text helpful ...
-- Jeffrey Putnam, Computing Reviews, March 2012
JungHyun Han is a masterful teacher, and nowhere do his teachings
come through more clearly than in 3D Graphics for Game
Programming. Han presents the essential foundations of graphics
programming that every serious game programmer needs in a
straightforward no-nonsense style that gets right to the point. I
highly recommend this book for anyone who wants to program 3D
-- Jesse Schell, CEO of Schell Games and professor of entertainment technology at Carnegie Mellon University
The author has sought to satisfy a need experienced by the growing
pool of game development students: a textbook that balances theory and
practicality. The resulting compilation provides a broad coverage of
the most important topics to graphics programmers. I would expect that
anyone who has digested this material would be immediately effective
as a member of a game development team.
-- Michael Guerrero, Delta3D game engine senior programmer and research associate of the Naval Postgraduate School
Lecture Notes
- TOC and Preface
- Lecture Note 01 (2012-04-28)
- Lecture Note 02 (2012-04-28)
- Lecture Note 03 (2012-04-28)
- Lecture Note 04 (2012-04-28)
- Lecture Note 05 (2012-04-28)
- Lecture Note 06 (2012-05-10)
- Lecture Note 07 (2012-05-30)
- Lecture Note 08 (2013-04-22)
- Lecture Note 09 (2012-06-14)
- Lecture Note 10 (2012-06-14)
- Lecture Note 11 (2013-04-22)
- Lecture Note 12 (2011-02-28)
- Errata (2011-06-23)